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General information:

Interpreting services are generally charged by workdays (not hourly), sometimes half-days are negotiable.


A day of consecutive interpreting (i.e. up to 8 hours on site) 5000 CZK
Half a day of consecutive interpreting (for very small jobs only)
– available only in specific cases (more information on request)
3000 CZK


A day of simultaneous interpreting (i. e. up to 8 hours on site) 9000 CZK
Half a day of simultaneous interpreting (for small jobs
under 4 hours of work on site)
5000 CZK


for simultaneous interpreting you always need 2 interpreters as they take turns after about 20 mins of interpreting!!

I can organize a colleague to share the workload with.

For more information on different types of interpreting you can go to: Wikipedia – Language interpretation

The price includes:

  • thorough preparation for the job using materials supplied by the client
  • transport to the venue if the event takes place in Ostrava

The price DOES NOT include:

  • transport to the venue if the event takes place out of Ostrava
  • travel-time charge
  • transport costs
  • cost of accommodation (for jobs out of Ostrava lasting more days)
  • meal allowances – applied only for jobs abroad (charges according to the current Czech legislation)